
Showing posts with the label decay

“Does it hurt?” or How do dentists tell if a tooth has a cavity?

  Most people tend think their teeth are perfect, but once they do decide to visit their dentist, their resolve is shaken. How can your dentist tell if the tooth has a cavity? The dentist examines their teeth and at once they begin to tell that something is wrong if the whole examination took a little while longer to the normal checkup, or if the dentist starts to bring in things off the table, and starts to ask the familiar question: “Does it hurt?”. Many times in our clinic, I have seen reactions from our patients ranging from a stunned gaze all the way to “no, Doc, you are wrong, my teeth are perfect”, and the final result is usually baffling. Telltale signs what if you as a person could look at your own teeth. Can you see any of these features? chipping (little cracks running on the tooth) mamelons (the little knobs that most people have at the edges of their front teeth) white lines or dark lines on the back teeth broken front tooth yellow white spots under the surface yellow...