
Showing posts with the label braces

تقويم الاسنان - Orthodontics

تقويم السنان اذا اردت ان تعرف  معلومات عن تقويم الاسنان  و سعر تقويم الاسنان فى مصر و معنى تقويم الاسنان بالانجليزي برجاء قم بمتابعة المقالة و اذا اعجبك المحتوى فضلا قم بالاشتراك ما هو تقويم الاسنان و تقويم الاسنان بالانجليزي تقويم الاسنان هو علاج تجميلى للاسنان الغرض منة تعديل وضع الاسنان داخل الفك و تعديل علاقة الفكين معا. اول من قام باكتشاف علاج تقويم    orthodontics الاسنان هم قدماء المصريين. و يسمى تقويم الاسنان بالانجليزي  ortho=مستقيم dontics=اسنان وهذا ما تعنية تقويم الاسنان بالانجليزي  و فى ما يلى معلومات هامة عن العلاج تشمل سعر تقويم الاسنان فى مصر دكتور عادل زخارى افضل دكتور تقويم اسنان فى مصر مع مريض تقويم السنان ما هى مشاكل الاسنان التى يعالجها تقويم الاسنان يعالج تقويم الاسنان مشاكل الاسنان التالية: حالة لطفلة قبيل تركيب تقويم الاسنان تشكو من عدم استقامة الاسنان و دخول الانياب – دكتور عادل زخارى افضل دكتور تقويم اسنان فى مصر العضة العميقة  العضة المعكوسة  العضة المفتوحة  عدم تطابق الاسنان فراغات الاسنان الانياب الاضراس المدفونة داخل الفك الاسنان اللبنية اضطرابات نمو الفكي


  Ever wondered when you were a child how your teeth all of a sudden split at the front? How about teeth that you suddenly grow high up near your eyes? And why specifically do these teeth matter? What makes them behave that way? If you want to know how can braces solve that problem in children and young teens, read some more. Canines The Canines, also named " Fangs "," Eye teeth ", or just Canines (not that beautiful pet of yours), are the teeth that look like daggers at the front of your mouth. They are the teeth that begin to erupt around the age of nine years, sometimes a little earlier, sometimes a little later. They form what we call the corner of the smile, and rightly so, because they occupy the middle, transitional position between the cutters (your front teeth), and the chewers (the back teeth). They are pivotal to getting your smile arc, your facial bones supported, and thus, your age looks. Canines normally erupt, gliding on roots of the neighboring teeth

Things to know when putting on braces

If you are giving thoughts to braces and are on the fence, here are a few things from your orthodontist (who happens to be fathered by an orthodontist as well, yep that is two generations of braces doctors talking, listen up!). I had my braces back in 2000. My dad did a full course of treatment on me. Some of the things I wanted answered were questions in my mind. As an early teenager, you are just baffled by the fact that these things even exist, and, being of that age group, you know, with all the peer pressure, seeing your friends having these metal things in their mouths, you take the plunge and get your first brace. I’ve compiled a list of the most common questions I could think of, and even was asked as an orthodontist. If you have braces, these are for you: What is it Braces are small attachments that are attached to your teeth with special purpose glue, and are connected together with a wire. What it does Obviously, move teeth, so that you can look better and even smile better.

Why is it important to get your teeth cleaned with braces?

Braces.. the food magnet. That pretty much sums up the article. Just kidding! Actually, its a little more complicated than that, but we will see to it that you grasp why the practice of regular brushing needs to be enforced, why cleaning is important with braces, and why not cleaning your teeth can hurt your cosmetics on the long run. Like any rough object, it catches stuff.  Because braces are rice grain sized, its very difficult to clean them. A brace is composed of brackets that are attached to the teeth (or glued on, if you will), and wires that connects these brackets in unison. When the bracket is attached to the tooth, the back of the bracket has these sharp objects called (hooks), and wings. It is probably what grazed your lips, or hurt your cheeks  if you never had braces on before. Now when you think about that rice-grain sized object, think about how easy is it for food to get stuck to it.  The rough edges collect the food over time, and the food starts to build up over the

What happens on the first day of braces?

Ever wondered what people feel when they receive their first brace? We have a few replies from our first cases, some of which are funny, others are just to feel for. Lets dive in! I feel I got stung. My corners hurt so bad.  Just a little headache A little funny I guess. Hurts me a little when smiling. My lips are getting caught in something I keep rubbing my tongue over my teeth, but can't feel them  My cheeks hurt  I cant eat That is just a few of the feedback we often get with our patients getting their braces. So what exactly causes all these reactions? Well, braces are designed to move teeth. So teeth that are anchored to the bone need some force to start moving. Like moving a little chess piece takes some of your strength (albeit not that much!) When teeth start movement, the nerves underneath the teeth encased also with the blood vessels supplying the teeth are compressed. If you sit on your arm for a while, sometimes you can move after and get a tingling sensation. Neither

Debunking myths: Single jaw braces

  Often times in our practice, we meet patients who desire to only fix teeth in either of their jaws, but not both jaws. Proponents of the treatment often say it cuts down on the total treatment time by half, while others claim that the teeth moved do not sit nicely with the opposing teeth and sometimes, the patient is left with a less than desirable outcome. What is single jaw braces? It is when teeth on one jaw are more crooked than the other jaw, giving the patient an impression that only these teeth need fixing. Its a type of treatment where the patient perceives teeth in one jaw fixed, without the necessary need for the teeth to meet the other teeth opposing them.  Why is it important that teeth meet each other? Teeth are designed to chew food, support the face, and reduce food to digestable material, for absorption (or intake of benefits from food into the body, from amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates – the basic needs of the body). Teeth meet eachother in unison, under a speci